Spreading Aloha One Quillo at a time!
"Sometimes it’s better to put love into hugs than put it into words."
~ Anonymous ~
There is nothing better than having someone’s arms wrapped around you to make you feel safe in warm…and loved.
One of the reasons that I started Quiloha was because of the response that I received from people who had received my quillos. Having a quillo is like being wrapped in someone’s arms. Safe, secure, warm and filled with joy and happiness.

Part of my mission for Quiloha is to "spread Aloha one quillo at a time", and that includes giving one quillo for every ten sold to someone who could use the comfort and warmth of a quillo. Won’t you be part of my mission and help me reach my goal? Currently, I am half way to being able to give a quillo to someone in need.

Perhaps you yourself know of someone who is undergoing chemotherapy or is suffering in some other way. Simply click on the button below and fill out the form. Your recommendation will be added to the list of potential recipients.
Mahalo for help me Spreading the Aloha one Quillo at a time!