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spread the aloha

Quiloha grew as I began to send quillos to friends who were undergoing tremendous pain and tragedy in their lives.  I wanted to offer comfort, connection and beauty by sending them a ‘Maui Medicine Blanket.’  Seemingly a simple gesture, I was overwhelmed by the response that I received and knew that I had to continue.   It is for that reason that Quiloha includes "Spreading the Aloha" in order to offer comfort to those undergoing chemotherapy, or suffering a loss in their lives.  For every 10 quillos sold, one will be donated or given to those who are currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment.  By buying a quillo, you are playing a part in 'Spreading the Aloha" quillo at a time.  Mahalo!!


Our first recipient is Debbie Massey.  Read her story here

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Mahalo for helping us Spread the Aloha

I really admire you and what you are doing. 

You are blessing so many people and making them feel good, especially when they need it most. 

Keep up the beautiful work!

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