From the Heart

"A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return." ~ Bhagavad Gita
As the Holiday Season approaches, I am delighted to announce that
I sent out another quillo as part of the Spread the Aloha Project!
The response that I received makes me truly grateful.
spread the aloha
Let me tell you a little bit about the recipient. Mary has spent her entire life teaching skiing or as the director of the ski school at Brighton, Utah. Mary was diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma in January 2014. Her liver was full of tumors and she was very close to liver failure, with swollen legs and in a lot of pain. Her prognosis was a year to live at most - the doctors thought that was a stretch.
Mary underwent a 4-time chemo-embollism. Somewhat miraculously, Mary is still alive today, although there have been setbacks. She could barely walk or move for most of the first 6 months of this year. She’s outlived the prediction by almost three years. It’s quite amazing.

"This was an incredible gesture of largess, generosity and kindness. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I’m sure you can imagine that someone like Mary, dealing with cancer over a long period of time, spends an enormous amount of time on her living room couch. I’m certain that the Quillo is the happiest, brightest thing in the room.
Thank you so very much, Iva"
At Quiloha, for every 10 quillos sold, one quillo will be given to someone who is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment or suffering a tremendous loss in their lives. Did you know that chemotherapy gives you cold feet? By buying a quillo, you are playing a part in 'Spreading the Aloha" quillo at a time.