Find beauty in imperfection...

"Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans"
~ John Lennon ~
While I was preparing this quillo ‘The Temple of the Golden Dragon’ for display at a local art show, I noticed that there was a slight hole in the fabric. I put a patch on it, and then realized I sewed the patch upside down. When we make plans, sometimes there are other things at work that are out of our control. As I was lamenting that I would not be able to submit the quillo, I thought of a friend's husband who recently experienced a traumatic brain injury and is now undergoing therapy and rehabilitation.
I knew that I had to send this Maui Medicine Blanket to him!

The art of kintsukuroi is the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver and
understanding that piece is more beautiful for having been broken.
The Spread the Aloha Project fuels the creative core of Quiloha. When I receive notes like this -- what I know for sure is -- what you give comes back to you. I donated 6 quillos last year, and hope to double that in the coming year!!
"I really admire you and what you are doing.
You are blessing so many people and making them feel good,
especially when they need it most.
Keep up the beautiful work."
I took the time that I would have spent preparing for the art show clearing out my entire office and painting on wall so I could have a place to display my quillos.
After all, I do have to figure out how to hang them for the show, right?

The Winter Collection "Vivid and Vibrant" will be available on January 21st.
There is no need to be perfect to inspire others.
Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.
~ Ziad K. Abdelnour ~