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Vivid and Vibrant!...

I like light, color, luminosity. I like things full of color and vibrant.

— Oscar de la Renta —


I am delighted to introduce my first collection of 2018, "Vivid and Vibrant!"

These designs have been percolating for quite some time. The collection is in honor of Kaffe Fassett who has dedicated the last 50 years of his life to the world of quilting, knitting and needlepoint, promoting these crafts through his own work and encouraging others to find their creativity.

The centerpiece is Millefiore

(1000 Flowers) by Kaffe Fassett.


As I was putting together the collection, a friend commented "these patterns have a different vitality than your other quillos." I couldn't agree more. It is a combination of some of my favorite color combinations. Check out "My Artist Family Tree" -- an exercise I completed last year "to understand our artist influences by studying the very artists we admire." -- influenced - oh yes!

Oil painting on canvas by Arthur Secunda


This new collection has a vibrancy that really brings the colors to life --

and the inside pockets include fabric filled with Hawaiian aloha.


The Winter Collection "Vivid and Vibrant" is available for purchase on my website


A vibrant inner life is far more powerful than a busy outer one.

—David Romanelli —


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